Paul Clark, WA1MAC's QRP / Homebrew / Reference Library
Antenna Compendium Volume 1
Antenna Compendium Volume 2
Antenna Compendium Volume 3
ARRL Basic Antennas
ARRL Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur
ARRL - Vintage Radio
Cloth Ears G3RJVs 1st Article SWM-1970-12
Crystal Sets to Sideband - A Guide to Building Your Own Amateur Radio Station
EMRFD with Errata
G QRP Club Circuit Handbook 1983
GQRP Component Data Book V7
IP for QRP
Minimalist QRP Book V5.3
New Carolina Windom QRP Antenna
Practical Antenna Handbook
QRP Classics - The Best QRP Projects from QST and the ARRL Handbook
QRP History - The Five-Watt QRP Movement 1968-1981
QRP Homebuilder
SolidStateQRPProjects EdwardNoll Ed1Pr1 1970
Sprat Index and Errata Issues 1-119
The Sprat Pixie File
W1FB Design Notebook
W1FB QRP Notebook